Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York (2024)

1201 L5 Sales Employment Our Towns Wednesday, Rochester, AY A Qt October 25, 1995 1 3 a- Sales Employment Garage And Yard Sales Cameras And Supplies Jewelry And Gems Open For Inspection SOUTHWEOGE: Calvary St. Andrews Annual Next-To-New Sale' 68 Ashland St Corner ot Aventl Ave Thurs, Oct 19th bat, uctzist. 9am-6pm. Estate, Household And Tag Sales EAST AVE 683: CENACLE mmm422Lmmm RETREAT HOUSE Contents Clothlnn of very large mansion, oriental wioining rugs, furniture, lamps, pianos, eassBBsaaaBaaaBBiBB accessones. Also multiples of uumtimo surraintZin single beds, chests, dressers, Hi desks and chairs.

Office tile 9 ack9'' 440 cabinets, desks, copier and lots more Unusual sale LEATHER COAT: Fully lined, 1026, 27. 28, 10am-3pm rabbit fur collar. 40 in long ELUE PALMER: 96 $1200 321 -1145 serious buyer Pkwy, Irondequoit (off St. Paul Sgot Titus) 1027 -28 PROM Dress: Size 56, black AIRPORT: 51 Huxley Way. 9old- 9old bow train in Fine furniture, Nontake China 9ld design in sofa-bed.

kitchen set. bdrnv s'n mus' see- set. lamps, clocks, Watertord 250offer Cad Mon-Fn 7-9pm etc Fn-Sat Oct. 27 28 10-4 4 wknds anytime 235-2333 AIRPORT: WHITNEY Rd SurT: "anaboy, 36 short 2028, Oct. Fn, 27, Sat, 28.

panl8' household, full antiques, and $35 334-4165 collectibles, oak, walnut, ma- hogany furniture, dresser, nncc niin drop leaf, chairs, glass, china. BLOUSE 4 PANT crock, guns, sword, house- SETS: Sl2e 4 for $40 ware, and lots more 9-5 ONLY 248-8065 IRONDEQUOIT: 401 Wash- 240 ington Ave. 1020-22, 11-5. Amiques.oak, onentai rugs, Collector's Items Nippon, paintingspnnts. ok) toystrains, glass, books.

TVs, ifmmmtmmmmmmmmmu guns, old beer stuff, 's at 9 30 COLLECTABLE Toy Show: PARK Ave. Area: 152 Bar- 1028.10-6 1029.10-4, 274 rmgton, 308. Thurs. thru Sat N' Goodman. Village Gate.

1iam-6pm. Contents of im- Free 442-5700 maculate some antiques COMIC BOOKS: Pristine col- SOUTH BRISTOL: Estate lection of hot Marvel titles from sale, Fri Sat, 1027 a 1028, early 80 $600. 244-9649 9am-5pm Numbers Bam Fn- MODEL U.S. Brig Lawrence: day. 6722 County Rd 12 (off With display case, 2 made, 1 route 64 in Bnstol Springs, fur- in $600, 621-3555 mture-oak.

wicker, Victorian, madman pnrvurci i tdi primitives household goods, plE pmlflAtT Pi much more. Sales by Myers Estate Services 90, many more. 663-4593 716-374-8124 NORMAN ROCKWELLS: VICTOR' Estate sale 12 Looking out to sea stein. 1st. edition.

$300. 663-4593 9am-5pm, antiques, jewelry, RACING: 164 scale; Earn-diamonds, gold, silver, cos- bardt Action silver $50, Action fume, coins, cut glass, sterling black $10, matchbox $8, Ac-silver items, Hummels, Royal tion Wrangler $10; Gant Skoal Daulton, china, furs, more. Olds $50; others 381 -021 9. WINTON 1112: Comer STEUBEN GLASS: Trout Coiebourne, yrs. accumula- wgolden lure, 30 less than tion, antique furnituredoming.

retail, $1 .500 or best offer, dishes, pictures, knick knack, 607-733-8889 SSSS'rvt'po fUL UNIFORM: Revolutionary tigues.Oct. 28-29, 9-4pm War reinartmert $1 or VICTORIA SALES: ESTATE offer. 637-9348. 637-2883 SALE. Antiques, MUCH, a MUCH 311 Vannna, 4 off Winton, Brighton.

October Computers, Accessories Supplies SALES CRAZY If you're a little over the edge can make decisions to change your lite tor the Better at a moment notice, call Tom Pinzon SALES CRAZY If you're a little over the edge can make decisions to change your We for the better at a moment's notice, call Tom Pinzon 425-7820 SALES CRAZY If you're a little over the edge can make decisions to change your life for the better at a moment's notice, call Tom Pinzon 425-7820 SALES: Full time. Eastview Luggage in tastview Mall Must nave exp $7hr. bene-fits. Apply within. 425-9750 SalesFundraising High weekly minings Handle USA's hottest selling music and video products.

Reorders, bonuses 818-783-17624 or 442-0840 SALES-FURNITUREWARE- HOUSE: Full part time posi-tions avail. Call 342- 19B0 SALESMANAGEMENT Dynamic $35.7 billion Fortune 500 financial services company seeks motivated self starters. It you have a college degree or equivalent business experience and the drive to succeed, please contact Laura Bur-gart, 262-5600. An Equal Opportunity Employer. MaasMutual SALES PERSON: Printing company.

Willing to relocate to Syracuse area. Send resume to: Matthew Farr, 5889 Tuller licero, NY 13039 SALES Positions Available: Call 716-254-0928. Sales Representatives Now's a great lime to look at CCP Industries a division of publicly held Tranzonic Companies. You'll see a 74 year old company poised for dramatic growth and a strong desire to strengthen our market leadership position. We invite you to share in our growth in the Rochester market area.

We're adding a capable energized individual we can develop to sell our line of industrial products used by thousands of companies throughout (he Prior sales experience helps. Bui your potential for growth is far more important because you will move from a starting salary (25K range) to a much larger salaryincentive opportunity. You will need a two or four-year degree. Take advantage of a truly excellent opportunity. Please send your resume to Administrative Services, CCP Industries P.O.

Box 6500, Cleveland, Ohio 44101, An equal opportunity employer mfd. SALES REP: For College promotion must have reliable gjguu ziyi ext 300 Mu-fc REP: Medical. De- yiee a mm i yrs, sales exp 38K. Local. Todd-Arra wc 871-0993 SALES REPS: National Co, 1800 Commission 442-4400.

800 938-0094 SALES: Retail. Marketplace tosiviBw Are you in sales tired of a dead end ioh? a uin career with Rochester'. est family owned jeweler Heri- iyo jeweiers is expanding utiors exc, salary, commis sions, oonuses, incentives, wu vac. a holidays, health 8 dental plans, substantial merchandise discounts Ortura. tional scholarships.

If you are oining a team ol friendly sales Drotniunni selling beautiful jewelry, where mirnniy is iun, in ouiding Jgreercatl Dinah, 266-1 75 SALES TRAINEE: To ou.ll. haM a irou a ijusiuve attitude, sett confidence, sports minded complete benefits, established auwums. tiesume to: Personnel Director, PO Box 197713, nwjnasier My 14619 STOCKBROKER TRAINEES: Meyers Co is proud to announce immediate open ings. It you are looking for ex- pert training, exceptional aiuwin, upwara career mobility financial success a national investment firm fait Brett Briggs, 256-4600 before jigm ivtemDer NAiiDSIPC STOCKBROKERTRAINEES yr. old investment banking firm seeks aggressive, money iiyiioiwi uKjiviauais.

Mr. tn- giisn, S46-2260. Skilled Trades CNC MACHININST: Lathe Mill. Nights Fanuc controls setup ana operation, exp re quired. Benefits and overtime.

ppiy at leaie Machine Co, 1425 University Ave. CNC Machinists Leading manufacturer in precision machining has Immediate openings tor skilled individuals: CNC Vertical Setup (FanucMazak) CNC Lathe Setup (MazakFanucOkuma) CNC Horizontal Setup (MazakFanuc) Special consideration for individuals to work 3 12 day work week. Competitive wages and benefits. If you have a desire to join a successful, world class manufacturer. Apply in person or send resume to: Attn: Human Resource! Jaseo Tools, Inc.

1390 Mt. Reed Blvd. Rochester, NY 14806 EOE DAVENPORT SCREW MACHINE OPERATORS ARE YOU BEING PAID WHAT YOU ARE WORTH? If not. Gates Albert, Inc. has immediate openings for skilled Davenport Operators Inspectors.

We will pay Top Dollar for your expenencell Apply at 3434 Union St. Let us make you an offer! HVAC: Mechanic Helper. Exp 'd only, sheetmetal. Own transportation, 454-2120 HVAC: Service Technician, expo, i op salary, benefits, wans, provoieo 454-Z120 QUALITY CONTROL Person QC Inspector: 3-7 yrs. exp.

Machined castings. Ability to operate ft program CMM, working knowledge of uua i ppiy or sena resume wsaiary history: Taylor-Pohlman 3925 California Rd, Orchard Park. NY 14127. (15 min. S.

of But- taio). tub. III CITY SE: Auction, 102105. 3 Furman Crescent (Mm. bid $30,000) 3 bdrm.

1 bath. 1 car gar good cond Financing Open nouses 1014, 10-Noon. 1018, 6-7pm The Metro Group. 225 3042 EAST Rochester. For Sale by Owner Sun 2-4, 3 bdrm, large din, gar Freshly pamieo zaa-zsa PtTTSFORD: Ranch.

466 Kll- boum Rd. New list Sun. 12-3. Sacrifice, $139,900 546-1440 VICTOR: Quarlridge. Sun, 12-5.

2034 sf. Brian built oversized rms, extras galore. $147,700 Motivated seller! 68 Latchmere. 924-3922 Real Estate Services BARGAIN GOV'T HOMES. Save up to 50 or more.

Mm or no down pymt. Now! 1 -800-338-0020 Ext. 1060. City Of Rochester Single Houses For Sale BAUSCH a Lomb Area: Adorable. Freely assumable, no bank approval, no credit check.

3-4 bdrm Cape Cod landscaped. $59,900 321-1239 232-0795 Suburban Single Houses For Sale EAST Roch: Mamt tree 2 bdrm, low taxes. 703 Garfield St 586-8319 CountryRegional Property For Sale ANGELICA: Victorian house. Park Circle Histonc Distnct Sound, but needs restoration, $30,000 716-466-7676 NYS Property For Sale NEW YorkPA Borden And Southern Tier. Bldg lots to large acreage (814) 697-6787 Double Houses For Sale KODAK: 66, dynamite yard, great natural wood.

very clean, gar. 458-2912 Resort Property For Sale BRISTOL: 2 bdrm near lake skiing boating Best view on axe us 3r4-zeiu Mobile Homes CANANDAIGUA Lake: Vine Valley, Small furnished mobile home in seasonal park. Priced to sell. $4900. 554-4390 Lots For Sale LIMA: 3 acre, small pond, out building, great view, $13,000.

624-1309 Farms And Land For Sale 1888 cavalry bam, 2 wells, new etec water to bam 10 a. Exit 40 Thruway. Terms. Owner-Broker 51 8-943-5200 ALLEGHANY COUNTY: 96 acres, hardwoods, plantation pine, town road, $42,900. 5 acres with view.

BORDERS STATE LAND $7,900 Financ- ing available 716-466-3436 STEUBEN County: 8 acres, meadow woods, $8900. 10 acres, tall spruce private pona, acres. $6900. All with good road Truniage, surveyeo. Near state forest.

Terms. Call uwner, (our) 583-2337 Industrial, Commercial Property For Sale CITY SE: 469 Lyell Ave, 2 oiogs, exc cono, 12,000 sq black top parking for 40 cars. Contains offices, warehouse, 12' 4 10' overhead doors, minutes to 490 X-way, 1 block to RTS stop. Price $360,000. Seller financing avail.

Call Am-brev Properties. 473-4940. Real Estate. Business Opportunities CLOTHING: Own your own apparel or shoe store. Choose: JeanSportswear.

Bridal. Lingene. Westernwear. Ladies. Men s.

Large Sizes. InfantPreteen. Petite. Dan-cewearAerobic. Maternity, or Accessories Store Over 2000 name brands $25,900 to $37,900.

Inventory, Training, Fixtures, Grand Opening, etc. Can Open 15 days Mr Louqhlm (612) 888-6555 DESKTOP VIDEO Vending wacnmes: (5) wwcations. offer 442-1545 E-Z CASH BIZ Newest hottest explosive No sell Small investrx profit Free info. 800-444-1040 FOOD OPERATION: Avail, w'tn restaurant. Own business tor no cash down 244-7097 FRANCHISES: Now avail.

Flat tee royalty, complete training, multiple units, avail. Captains Tony Pizza 1-800-332-8669. by perspec- vt)5 only. HAIR SALON: High traffic location. 30 yrs.

High net. Loy-al clients. 264-1911 NEIGHBORHOOD Barbershop: Owner retiring Reason- apie w-atfba 271-8653 PAYPH0NE $: Local sites. Lowest prices $2kwkly po-tential 1-800-800-3470. PAYPHONE Route (Area): 39 avail, locations.

Earn $2437 wkly MCI Checks Must sell by 113 800-930-1333 24 hrs PRINT SHOP: Fully equipped wMultigraph presses. Lease avail Downtown. 227-7979 Stand: Public Market, now Saturdays. First come first serve! 747 0288 VEND-SNACK-SODA Combo Machines. Absolute lowest price 1 -800-339-0415 Office Space For Rent FAIRPORT VILLAGE: On canal.

sq. ft. Call 377-7000 ext. 123 Industrial, Commercial For Rent AIRPORT: Warehouseoffice. Loading docks.

2700 sq ft. Lindsay REG. 244-3208 Garages Parking And Storage BOAT OR CAMPER STORAGE: Private, secure, $200 per season, 654-9179 Rooms For Rent BRIGHTON: Short term, spacious, great location, near 490, 390,590, amenities. No smokers 244-0713 CHESTNUT 50: Remodeled room, security, all conveniences. 454-5440, Pat.

COBBS: Studio, bdrm. $110wk. Apt $110 244-7822 CULVER Area: Share house, MF, smoking ok. avail. 111.

Call Rich 328-8570 between 288-2720 after 7pm EAST: Classy quiet home, professional, $280 all. 244-4013 or 381-8309 EAST MAIN area: $300 all. ww orpt, share kit, Indry, stor age, on bt. parxing, cable. 288-1653.

Avail November: EASTPark: clean, quiet, furnished, smoke free building, washerdryer, $320 ail se- currryzn-4Z40 HENRIETTA: $400mo. Fplc, pool, padang, laundry. Fur- nished 334-4777. 1 BR pefemployed man, stuoent.iease Zb4-3tJBr MEIGS ST: Quiet, clean, convenient to bus, Indry $70 wkly $300 monthly 442-4597 OXFORD: Furnished. Kitch en.

One month deposit. $85wk. 244-4693 PARKDARTMOUTH: Private entrance, bath porch, refrig Deposit. VICTORFARMINGTON AR EA: Rm. private ba.

kitchen area sou wk. Z4-B346 Vacation Property For Rent MYRTLE BEACH, S.C.:1or2 oorm. condo, fully furnished, on golf course, pool, tennis. Avail. Nov.

1st-on, weekly or monthy. Details call 203-248-0891 after 4pm LEE CORPORATION 913140 RE Lie. 524536 Fan 410 8S3-4069 Business Opportunities Skilled Trades SHEET METAL Fabricators, Welders Metal Finishers: Day night shift positions avail. Resume to: PO.Box art, Webster, NY, 14580 TECHNICIAN: FieM Service engineer. Repair maintain mooem iMi, equipment, Roch.

Salarv. car exoensaa Resume to: 4248 Ridge i-ea mnerst, NY 1422b ran, 718 831-9921 TOOL MAKERMACHINIST: Machining, assembly, fixtures, mechanisms A debug. CDS 1133Mt Read Blvd. Employment Notices MARINE MIDLAND Bank HAS GREAT CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Employment Services RESUME SERVICE: Profes sional resumes. Reasonable rates Cover letters, followup letters, on-line resumes job searches via the Internet avail.

Other writing services also avail. Call Lewis Writing Services, Palmyra. 315-597-1 171 Part Time Employment ADMINISTRATIVE Pomerantz staffing seeks candidate for leading insurance co. Provides admin, support for agents Office PC skills required Resumes to: Write Dept. 1993, Gannett Newspa pers, iqoiq AIDES: Four hours dairy for reading, catetena.

S5.u0hr. Benefits include school vacations and recesses, retirement plan. Send letter and resume to Mrs. Linda Manno, Prinoi-pal, East Rochester Elementary School. 400 Woodbine Ave East Rochester, 14445.

EOEmf BOOKKEEPER: Fast paced, small omce. bxp Z8-3Z hrs. Resumes: Normandy, 550 E. Main, Roch 14604 CHILD CARE: PT, exp, After acnooi program. Monroe YMCA 271 -5320.

EOE. CLERICALRECEPTION: Part-time position at busy casisiae neai Estate umce. Duties require excellent interpersonal phone skills. Typ ing computer expenence, neiprui. uaii Nomnagie Heal- tors nn 3J4-B4uu COACH: Varsity Girl's Track.

bend letter and resume to f-red Ciabum. Athetic Dir East Rochester Schools, 200 Woodbine, East Rochester, NY 14445. eoemf CUSTODIANS: MF. $6 per nour. ftppiy: Northwest t-amily tmua, mu Long rono ho DELIVERY-MAGAZINES Your car.

Tues delivery, earn floor CARE; Eve. crew, exp. in all phases, of tile floor rennisning clean nys driver license required. Come work tor a winner 464-0340 FOOD SERVICE WORKERS: Part-time gnll person and ca shier. 3-4 nrs.

daily. Benefits include; no working on school holiday, sick and personal days. $5hr. to start. New cafeteria and kitchen facilities.

East Rochester School. Call 246-6324 for application form JANITORS: Dependable, $6 24hour. Brighton Recre- anon, w-ootK MARKET RESEARCH INTERVIEWERS Gordon S. Black 1 995 winner of the NY State Excelsior Award for Quality in the Workplace, is now hiring qualified individuals to conduct phone surveys. Eves and Weekends Start $6 00 Flex scheduling Good communicationdata entry skills (25 wpm).

Call 272-8561. OFFICE Cleaners: City, Far- mington, fc. Pittstord. Immed. Good pay 323-1515 SALES Immediate Openings panrun time, bxpanding professional, positive office.

Sales mgmt, Exc. income potential. 223-6510 SECRETARY: 20 hours, worOrWinoows. unitorce ser- vices 424-3250. NU l-EE SURVEY INTERVIEWERS; Immediate openings to con duct phone surveys.

CVESWKNDS. Good com. municationkeyboard skills (25woml Call 272-8561, flor. don b. black Corp TELEMARKETER! exp, quired.

Prospecting for homeauto insurance appts. a leans, oase salary bonus. can tor interview 381 -2980 TELEPHONE ANSWERING- Secretariat Part time. Call unnstine, Z54-555S 9-a. The Village Green Book' store-Pennton is expanding and is now taking applications tor me following positions; 1) Children's Department Super visor-Fulltime days, education expenence preferred; 2) Children's Booksellers-Part-Time days, nights, weekends; 3) uaiewmee tar stant-uii-timePart-time days, nights.

weekends, prior food service expenence preierrea. Apply in person at 5B7 Mosiey ho, Per-Inton. No phone call please Wanted: Employment CLEANING: Sister Team Will Clean. Residential. Commer cial Industrial.

Holiday Specials. Nobody does better than sister together, cover all ar eas of Rochester suburbs. Call 266-22 17 or 723-1563 NEED A SPARE MINUTE? Let me help, Will grocery shop, clean and run earands. call 388-9706 Career Training WORK AT HOME. Attend free seminar! Super income typing Medical Reports! Choose your own nours.

i-uii- I ime or Part-Time. At-Home Professions will train you. Don't miss out! Call Now 1-800-518-7778 Dept. RN01A5 Birds, Fish, Pets And Supplies FISH TANK: 30 gallon. $35.

Call 454 3474 IGUANA: Male, 2 years old. Very healthy. $400 includes cage 264-1305 Dogs, Cats And Supplies AMERICAN ESKIMO: male, 4 mos. snots a wormed, $110 or best offer. (315) AMERICAN Eskimo Pup pies i si snots ana wormed 1S0 2M-0B43 BEAGLE Pups: AKC, 4 fe male, rwxs, 3 lemon white, 1 m-coior, 3100 637-3207.

BEAGLES: AKC-CKC Quali ty breeding Will make axe hunters or companions. Pups a auuns. snois, wormed. $100-200 315-595-6826 CAT: FREE. Syr old gnq male, neutered, dedawed.

door outdoor. 385-3077 leave message. CHINESE SHAR-PEI Pups: onampion bire, meat mouth, wnnkles galore. 591-1315 COCKER Spaniel: Buff male, a gooo wkids, all shots fcxtras. 8150.

586-5713 COCKER SPANIEL Puppies: ako, wks.old, shots, wormed, parents on premises, $308 344-3088 DALMATIAN Puppies: AKC, cnampion lines, snots, exc temperament, liver or black wwnrte $300 768-7766 DOG RUN: Chain link fence, iree standing, lu 6 high like new, $150, 383-1987 GERMAN SHEPHERD: AKC, un-neuterea male, yrs. old. good children, $150 best oner, 581-Z108 GERMAN SHORT HAIR POINTER: Puddv. AKC. ex ceptional hunters, 658-3860 or BZ1 496t4U0 GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUP PIES: AKC.

shots wormed Exc. pedigree champion lines. Hips eyes cleared Call now to reserve your pick pup. 4UU-0UU. 33-116 GREAT Dane puppies: Both parents on premises.

Heady to go. jo. pw-paaa HIMALAYAN KITTENS: CFA. anots a wormed, white balls of fur, Call today reserve now! $300 $350 359-1167 KE ESMOND: male, 4 My, snots a wormed, $130. (315) 536-4032 KITTEN: S30 to a good home 271-4250 KITTENS Adult Cats: For adoption.

Lukemia negative, 1st shots, wormed $25. dona-tion GRASP 254-0843 KITTENS: Free to loving m- ooor norne. Also adult cats, free to indoor homes. Call 647-9417 LAB; AKC Pups. Black.

Fe male a male, snots, wormed. 7wks. $250. 768-7617 LABRADOR RETRIEVER: Lab, chocolate, female, AKC, OFA, exceptional bloodline, parents on premises, vet checked, written guarantee, family raised. $450.

315-682-7872 LABRADOR RETRIEVERS: All colors, FC-AFC Sired OFA CERF gauranteed. As good as rt gerai yxju 1J10) 3JB ZHMU LABRADOR Retriver Pups: Yellow. Show champion, field champion American field champion international pedigree. Shots wormed Parents on premises. Written hips, eyes general health guarantee $400 589-8727 MALTESE Pups: AKC, tiny, adorable, non-shedding fluff balls.

Shots, wormed, health guarantee. Can deliver. (315)497-1047 MINIATURE SHCNAUZER Pups: Vet certified healthy, show qualify, champion lineage. AKC. $400 female $350 male 681 -51 37 POMERANIAN: Male puppy, AKU, $200.

(315) 986-3752 POODLE, Miniature: black, 9 wks, shots wormed, $185. (315) 536-4032 POODLE PUPS: Small minis. Beautiful silver females. wks, shots, vet checked. Show Or pet.

$500. 554-6344 POODLES: Urge Standard Puppies. AKC. $450. Can travel.

(315)633-2362 POODLES-TOY: Male. Shots, nearmy. sazs each. Please call (315) 776-5384 POODLES: Toys, AKC, sil ver. Males $275 a female $450.

394-6861 SHETLAND SHEEP DOG: (Miniature Collie) Vet checked, shots, good temper- amem tsa. (BUf) Z43-5H99 SHIH TZU: AKC, male, weeks, mixed color. $299. Maltese AKC, white, 4 yrs, SIAMESE CATS: Blue PomU, 1 male, 5 yrs, neutered, de- clawed, keeps to himself; 1 female, 2 yrs, spayed, de-clawed, very affectionate. great wkids.

Will separate if necessary, FREE to a good SIAMESE, Orientals: Pooh (beal pi.) a ngger (Red Bengal Type), bonded buddies: love people! a mo. si 00 $135botfioffer. 244-5620 WEIMERANER: AKC, female 0 shots, spayed, incl cage, $400ofter. 377-4469 YORKSHIRE TERRI0R PUPS: AKC, 6 wks, 2 males 2 females. 1st shot, adorable.

$400. Call J315) 564-6379 ADOPTIONS: Scottsville Veterinary Adoptions accepts puppies, kittens, dogs and cats into our pet adoption program. No euthanasias. 889-8340 Horses, Livestock And Supplies BELQIANThoroughbred: professionally trained, lovely to num, snow, or pleasure. $8500 (607) 347-4615 LLAMA: yr.

old, bred fe male, silver smith breeding, gray color, great producer, $1900: LLAMA: 5 mo. female, brown, very nice, disposition. $800 699-5425 TENNESSEE WALKER: Filly, mo. old, black with star, and 2 white socks, very quiet, aizuu. lennessee vvaixer mi-ly, 2 mo, old, brown.

$1200. 699-5425 TRAKEHNER FILLY- 12: 1994, Beautiful, balanced, well-mannered, mature 16H. 315-331-9121 Garage And Yard Sales BRIGHTON: Rummage Sale! 12 Corners Presbyterian Church, 1200 S. Winton Rd. Sat, Oct 28th, 9am-3pm.

Great selectionvalues. NORTH WINTON RD. 755: Kit. cabinets, whirlpool tubs. vanHvs.

counter tops, office furniture, faucets tools much more Daily from 8-5 RISC ANNUAL NEW-TO-YOU SALE: Furniture, small aool. electronics, household goods, antiques collectibles. No clothing. A HUGE Sate. Fri.

luzr. 4-spm; bat. 1028. 9-5. Sun.

1029 Vi-PRICE DAY, 11-4. Suburban Plaza, 2199 Hennetta Rd. BRONtCA ETRSI System: 2 complete cameras. 150 lens. Polaroid back.

Metz 60CT4 wSCA 300. Soeed ario tinders, more. $4 000 or best Offer (315) 536-7005 PENTAX SP 500: 2 bodies 4 lenses, flash, extras, $250 complete 323-1505 APPLE compatible 128 laser computer wMagnavox color monitor Panasonic pnnter. $350best offer. 377-3701 CANON PRINTER: BJ 200, Inkjet- excellent pnnt quality, $125.

461-0959 COMIC BOOK COLLECTION: $400 50 of book value. 654-6017 COMMODORE: Amiga 2500. bo Megarjyte hu, auos 2.0 modem, lots of extra software. $1700offer. 425-4654 LASER PRINTER: Apple Las erWriter II, very good cond.

$650. 482-9764 LASER WRITER: Apple Personal Laser Writer LS. new toner cartridge. $450. Toner cartridge $50.

461-1173 MEMORY: 2 72-PIN 4 MEG SIMS. for 830-PIN 1 MEG SIMS. 425-1393 WORDPROCESSOR: Smith-Corona PWP 3800, 12" monitor, $250, 224-0188 Firewood And Fuels FIREWOOD: Seasoned. Cut, split delivered. 4x8x16.

$50- aosracecord. Z39-4590 GAS Wall Heater: Temco self-vent, ideal room or shop. excellent, tiuu. 44Z-BB1P HEATILATOR Zero Clear ance Fireplace, $200. Call evenings 377-2278 WOOD BURNING STOVE: Ben Franklin, $100 359-2847 call eves.

WOODBURNINQ Hybrid Boil er: 2FRW-400 gal. 4 like new. $2695. 924-5660 after S. Home Furnishings BED: In shape In car.

White with blue tnm. $100 or best offer. Call 377-3701 BED: Queen size, with box spring, $150. Hay 342-1980 BEDROOM SET: Bassett, queen, cherry finish, includes neaaooaro, nigntstano, dresser mirror, $295 or best offer. Call 264 9570 CHAIR: Unsed, Birkiine Chaise, recliner, brown tome, sacrmce $400 Z66-3003 CORNER HUTCH: Dark pine, 70-, $100 Uall 482-4648 COUCHLOVESEATi off white, 4yrs old, good cond ou.

zw-vrti) eves CRIB: Light Oak w.beared oecal on front, wnew mat tress. $60 671-8940 DINETTE Set: Colonial, $75. wood veneer, leaf, 42; long, 4 cnair5. uan OINING Rm. Set; Table.

chairs, buffet, Queen Anne, exc. cono woo. 377-eaiB DINING RM SET: Brown, 2 leat lame a 4 chairs, very good DINING ROOM SET: Karges wainut country rrencn table, 6 chairs, buffet, china, never: used, exc quality. $3,900. 586-7635 ENTERTAINMENT Center! by Hendrendan.

Fits TV ste reo equipment. Never used $1 2Q0. 385-1 559 after 4pm FOUTON: Queen size, great cononion, yrs. 010. Needs cover.

HEADBOARD BRASS LIKE: Frame, mattress and box spring, $100offer 338-9096 HEADBOARD FRAME: Queen size, Thomasville. $100 381-7524 HEADBOARD: twin, caned oak, like new, from JC Penny romoito, 1 uu. 1 1 -uuoo KITCHEN SET: 4 chairs, 1 teat, dark pine, $150. Call 482-4648 LIVING ROOM SUITE: Like new, includes 2 brass glass top end tables, 1 brass glass top coffee table, sofa, loveseat a 1 lamps i 321 -i 1 45 MATTRESS SET: full size with frame on wheels. 425-4663 $75.

RECLINER: La-Z-Boy Rocker, wall hugger, rose velour. $110. 266-7783 SOFA $100, Recliner $150, Washer Dryer $300, Micro-wave $50. 924-8026 SOFA: Coffee table ml 2 end tables, includes stereo cabi- net. Alt $1 50.

325-1304 SOFA A Loveseat: Black tanwhite cotton pnnt, $250; recliner, $75; wood mica endtable, $50; 2 brass day-beds wtrundle, $100 Whirlpool tub, free! 586-2284 SOFA 4 Loveseat: Contemp. graymauve. Brass tables. $695. Black Settee, $195.

Excellent cond 385-7767 SOFA A Loveseat: neutral, very good cond. $290. 315-986-8167 SOFA: Modem 6'. Desert grays sands. $75.

Call 442-8028 TABLE: Wrought iron, slate top, round, with 4 chairs. Good condition. $100. 586-0604. WATER BED: King slie, quality, wdrawers in base.

$200est offer. 377-6818 WOODBURNINQ STOVE: 8" tlue Incl pipes stone to level, $200best offer. 586-8959 CULTURED PEARLS: 24" necklace, graduated pearls, bracelet $4 000, will seper-ate 315-946 9870 WEDDING BAND SET: 12 carat, 14K gold, wrap around band, size 5, $500, 262 4575 Lawn And Garden LAWNMOWER: Honda 17 in. rear bagger, gas $100 458)891 or 225 2055 LEAF BLOWER (on wheeh)): Little Wonder. 3'4 hp, 2 cycle.

$150 383 9212 SNOWBLOWERPLOW: For Gravely Tractor. L-model. $100. 248-8420 evenings TORO: 7 hp snow blower, 24" cut. electric start, very good cond $550 637-5531 Machinery And Tools AIR COMPRESSOR: gas, $275; Nail nuns.

$250 ea 32 Type I ladder, $175 223-0495 AIR COMPRESSOR: 5hp, gas powerea, uu oest oner. 924-7863 PHASE CONVERTER: Converts 220 single phase to 3 phase. Up to 15hp capacity wnn moior conrrot. 600. 226 2044 TOOL CUTTER GRINDER: Brown Sharpe 13.

$1500 oest otter. (315) 699-4932 Sporting Goods BLACK POWER GUN: 58 caliber, $400 or best offer. 637-9348, 637-2883 CRANKUP BASKETBALL GOAL set, like new, $100. 663-8814 EXCERISE BIKE: Schwin ad (ustable, reading stand, like new, $125. 671-2727 EXERCISE Bench: complete.

300 lbs ot weights, steel plastic. $100. 315-524-4734 local call EXERCISE Equipment Used new. The Fitness Store, 34O0 Monroe Ave 385-1300. FLY ROD: 12', 6 weight Fenwick, $75.

Please call 473-9930, FLY ROD: 9', 4 piece, 5 weight Orvis. $110. Please call 473-9930. FLY ROD: 8' 9 weight Orvis rod. $160.

Please call 473-9930 MACHINE GUN: 45 caliber, gold plated, sight trigger, Korean War commemorative, $1800 or best offer. 271-6958 REEBOK Aerobic Steps: 18, asking S40 each or all foi $600. Call 396-0700 SKI Package: Woman's X- country. bkiis, poles boots size 8. $50.

442-8028 SKIIS: Olin RTS 195 s. Never used, wbindings. Asking $300 or offer. 671-8492 SMITH WESSON, 357 mag num, mooei b6. like new, holster, nmmo.

$375. 223-2155 Televisions And Video Equipment CAMCORDER: Almost new, mos. old, JVC VHS-C, with extra battery, case, light, much more. Fully automatic, countless extras. $550negotiable.

Still under warranty. Works perfect. Dan 315-926-5584 NINTENDO with $40. 482-8352 Games. PHIUPS CDI: Machine, video card, controllers, and 50 top SEGA GENESIS: games $140.

246-5404 TELEVISION: 19" color Toshiba, includes remote, still in sealed box, $225. 544-1763 Television: 31 In stereo PP new $1300 sell, Huoorter 429-6 133 Wanted To Buy BICYCLE EXERCISER: per- mitting reclining on 254-5639. back TWO COLLECTORS Inter ested in any old models or mooei kits, built or unbuilt Please caH 385-3855 Music And Record Shops HOUSE Of GUITARS Sal. Oct. 21-Rickenbacker Day Sale.

Sun. 22-Pierre Bensusan Guitar Class 3pm Mon. 23-Free Gibson clinic demo with Lynyrd Skynyrd guitarist Tues. 24-Emu Darwin Synth, demo free 7pm Thur 28-Free IbanezLaney demo wl Paul Gilbert 7pm 645 TITUS AVE. 544-3500.

Musical Instruments GUITAR; Fender Acoustic, very nice shape. $100 244-9649 SAXAPHONE: Alto. Yamaha. Student. Good cond.

$450. 256-0754 SAXAPHONE: Tenor. Conn. Professional. Case strap inci.

3Z3. zae-o54 SAXOPHONE: Alto, Bundy, recently refurbished, with case, $375. Call 482-4648 Pianos And Organs MATADOR: Conga drums. Tumbabora new LP skins, and comforts rims on both. exc.

cond. $400 288-1377 PLAYER PIANO: Upright, In good working cond. bench sheet music, $400 482-4648 RENT a piano: many makes a models trom $49 95 per mo. Music Lovers 442-01 30 STEINWAY: 6' Grand, excel lent. $1 Stereos And Sound Systems PIONEER CLDS201t Lasera CD player, exc.cond.

$250 best offer. Call eves. 429-7868 Condominiums And Townhouses PERINTON By Owner 6 Bucklebury Hill 3 Br condo deck. Fairport liv. din.

1.5 ba. $79,900 or best reasonable offer. Inspection 1021-22, 10-4pm. Sale by Sun. night to highest bidder.

716-223-5135 Open For Inspection BRIGHTON: 1 Milford Rd. 3 bdrm ranch, hardwoods, flpc, ac. SatSun 1-4 381 -5262 ply Single Houses For Rent BROWNCROFTWINTON: Large 3 bdrm, liv. rm, dm aat-m-kit, $625-1 Dec. 1st 4733, FAIRPORT: Rent woptlon, 3 BR den.

great rm. fpte 'ig kit, big yd $1300mo 223-4 78? GATESLyell area: 2 bdrm, possible 3 rd. avail. Nov. tst.

$600 util 458-1442 HENRIETTA: Nice 4 bdrm, 1.5 bath, crptng, gar fenced $850. 381 -2993, Doubles, Townhouses For Rent BLOSSOMWinton Area: t2 house, 12 washerdrye' hookups. $550. 654-823? CHURCHVILLE: 3 bdrm, f.5 bath, fam rm. gar.

ail appl. low utils, $800 352-5661 PERINTON: Luxury 3 br2.5 ba Air. fplc, gar Fairpprt elec $1175. 248-5620 1 VILLA, Near 2 modem appl sec. references Perfect cond 254-851Qi WEBSTER: Heritage Pk.

Beautiful 2 bdrm. appls '1 5 baths, full bsmt. central 787-2245. WINTONBLOSSOM: 2 bdrm. gar, AC, bsmt.

No pete $650. 654-6088 Apartments Furnished WINTON AREA: To shared bdrm, home, all util. cabtfe. phone. $300 mo.

Call San 224-9249 Apartments Unfurnished ALEXANDER East Ave: 1 bdrm. cottage, off St. parkmjg, yaro 1 14 $5QU 246-jbb? BRIGHTOn: 12 Comers townhouse. 2 bdrms. Refer-ences.

$575. 461-5743 BRIGHTON: Spacious, luxury 2 bdrm. fplc, sunroorh. wwcrpt, wD hookups. Club house wjacuzzi.

sauna, fh-ness. $819. 244 2050 CAMPBELL Pk. 201: 4 rrn. all cprt, parking $550 incl.

util 458-3687 2 CARTER 1bdrm. Remington, 2bdrm. Evergreen, 3bdrm. All $450. 254-4828-1 CEDARWOOD: Lrg.

6 BR laundry, gar SWJ. IK4-S31 1 CHARLOTTE: Upper 2 bdrnj clean, stove and refrigerator no pets. $520 621-1076 CITY NE: 281 Parsells, 2 bdrm, 12 house, appl, parkf ing, launory, $350. 3B8-194Q CITY NE: 32 Vermont. 2 bdrm 7 rm.

backyard. $595 util. call collect 607-532-4612' COBBS HILL: Lg 2bdrm, yd deck, parking, modern kit $625. 461-0858 or 271 -3'1 6 CULVERMERCHANTS: bdrm, porch, parking, hdws" firs, dean $515. 733-3999 CULVER MERCHANTS: 1 carpeted, parking, ain laundry $420 wheat EASTPark: Deluxe studio: extras, 6 mo lease.

$395 an util. 243-4284. 473-8446 EAST ROCH: 2 off. street parking, no pets, hrdwof firs. $500.

Dec. 1 387-0219 EMERSON ST-310: 2 bdrm, new crpt. all utifs. paming, ssjs. 642B 1 HIGHLAND AREA: Quiet 2 bdrm.

Appls curtains incl. Lg fenced yd. $550. 482-3778 HIGHLAND Area: Sunny 1 BR non-smoking, pking. Indry, heat incl.

$495. 242-0854 IRONDEQUOIT: bright 1, bdrm, crpt, appl, $395 security 342-5756 KODAK PK: 1 bdrm. Include heat, parking. 4 rms $385i-ee- curny, no pets. 3tfl-5BU4 KODAK PK Area: 1 off st.

parking, remodeled. 458-1 540, 9-5leave message LAKEDrhring Park Area: Clean, nice 1 BR for one, $4Q0 pays an, no pets 621-7757 NORTHEAST: 3 bdrm, 6 bdrm, studio, seen Sun. Oct 22, 23. Call for appt. 325-7108 or 454-5365 PARKALEXANDER: Upper 2 bdrm, gar parking, heat Indl.

$595 Please call 637-23771 PARK AREA: Darwyn St 12 double, 23 bdrm 2 ba, enclosed porch, AC, laurftJry gar. S72S-1 442-9816 PARK AT OXFORD: Elegant, smaller 1 bdrm. Heat inc. $435. Call 442-6279 1 PARK AveBeverty: 2 bdrm upper unit in 2 family.

$65Q elec. 546-1449 PARKDartmouth: Spacious 2 Ddrm, heat parking. Avail. 111. $680.

242-9990 PARKHarvard: Large 2 bdrm, hdwds, washerdryer hookup, $61 5. 671-0006 PARKMONROE: House, 3 nawa, porcn, spacious. $645. 271-5081, Small modeled studio. New carpal.

$300 incl all 442-0268 PEARL incl. an. Parking. No pets. Security.

254-4828 PENFIELO: 2 bdrm, gar, bsmt. $550. No pets. Deposit. Avail now.

586-8277 RIDGESENECA: Red Brick Manor, sub-let 1 bdrm, $47J. heat included. 544-2624 RUSH: Carriage house, -remodeled. $650. non-smoK- ers, no pets.

533-2067 SOUTHWEDGE: 12 house, 3 BR. Porch. Available 111. $520 util. 461-3228 SOUTHWEDGE: 1 BR.hrdw.

Porch. Heat, laundry. $450, Parking. 243-0299, 533-9293 SOUTHWEDGE: 2 bdrm Vfc house, modem liv, crpt. Park ing.

$475. $500. 244-5010 SOUTHWEDGE: Modem, lg. 2 BR, 1.5 hookups, hdwd, joi oii SOUTHWEDGE: Nice 2 BR lower hdwd floors tnm, sun porch. $525 utils.

473-3736 Koommates Wanted CANANDAIGUA: Male to share log home wsame. $34S mo, 12 util. 394-8635 CHILI: Neat non smoking let male to share furnished bdrm2 bath, luxury apt. sent nty system, central airHeat fireplace, laundry room, poof off st. parking, central location" $280 13 util.

889-1481 CHILI: Neat non smoking fa male to share furnished at bdrm2 bath, luxury apt. secut rity system, central airheati. fireplace, laundry room, poc4 off St. parking, central locatioa, $280 13 util. 889-1481 HIGHLAND PK Area: Share bdrm home.

6 mm. from Strong. Female, non-smoktna $350mo. Security. 442-229.

PARK AVE Area: Nice 3 bdrrK lYiaiwToiiiaiu, non-smoher $275, sec, dep. 473-9442 A PENFIELO: House. Profee sional, non-smoker. Indry, exc erase rm. $400 all.

3B8-105ZL Wanted To Rent 4 SOLO House need rental by Dec. 1 Townhouse or comas preferred. 1700 SF, 3 BR 2 Ba. SE suburb. 586-1841 383-0085.

INDUSTRIES INC. SGI MAILS There's no better way to get into the holiday spirit than to earn some extra cash have fun doing itl Regular and Seasonal Openings: Commission Sales Cashiers StockMerchandise Presentation Fine Jewelry Sales Customer Service We also have positions available in i tat rfOSse our Greece Store. Some sales experience would be orMt. hut we're iust at interested in nthuciactir nntnmer-nrunhri ri Lucnon By Order of SARA General Merchandise CRADOLE: White washed wood, like new wmattress, bumper pads and bedding. Custom ordered from Simons.

$225best offer. Call 315-986-7322. DISHWASHER: New Model D-HB Champion dishwasher 208220, 1 phase. $4,000 call 271-2497. FAX MACHINE: Sharp UX- iiz, like new, $170.

Call 394-7916 FIREPLACE INSERT: With blowers. Good $100 best offer 429-5938 LADDERS: All types to choose from. Fiberglass to tiuuuoner, zbe-0754 OFFICE CHAIRS: Swivel, rollers, many cotorslabncs Exc. cond. $25 ea.

482-4482 POT BELLY WOODBURNINQ Stove: black, wfan all parts. $500 or best offer 235-5663 SOLOFLEX Weight Machine: Lixe new, ssb negotiable. uay or tve, on-cuea WOODSTOVE: Timberline. Large, air tight. Asking $350.

526-5826 Antiques APPLE IIC, monitor, Image- writer pnnter, word processor. Print Shop, Time is Money, tons of games, additional color monitor, desk. $400. 223-4562 ARMCHAIR, Settee A Plat form Rocker. Eastlake.

Exc.cond. $500, 426-0071 BED: Oak, 6 headboard wcarvings, double, exc. cond. $4B5. 3B1 -2Q3B BLACKSMITH Bellows: Museum quality, $800.

Victorian oeveieo gold mirror, $110. 3Bl-ft)8, 9-S. HALLOWEEN ANTIQUE Collectible Snow Sale 1028 a 29, sat. a sun io-5pm Wayne Central Middle School. Rte 350, Ontario Center (South of Rte 104) sponsored by Fnends of Music, over 50 oeaiers, donation $2, parking a 100a avail.

HUMMELS: Collection, over 40 ngunnes a plates. $5,000, will separate. 315-946-9870 tor complete list. INDIAN Art Show: Pittsford, uci. zain, iuam-4 3upm.

Burgundy Basin Inn, 1361 Marsh HQ. f-Or into, 9Z4-7336, IRONRITE: Clothes presser. White. $50. Call 454-3474 ORIENTAL RUGS WANTED: any size or condition.

Top pric- paig i-nuu-fu-33U. PRIMITIVE CUPBOARD; Cir ca 1830-1840, original blue paint, good SECRETARY Bookcase: Sol id mahogany, 78" high by 50' wide, exc. $1200 or best wer, 586-7315 ANTIQUE SHOW A SALE: 21st Ontario County Historical Society. Sat Oct 28 10-5, Sun Oct 29 11-4, Canandaigua Middle School, 215 Granger 01, un main oi uonanon 94. Appliances, Major COMPACTOR KITHCHEN AIDE: Like new, cost over $500 sell for $150offer (315) 589-9748 DISHWASHER: $100.

Call evenings 377-2278 Electric, 1 yr. old hardly used, transferable, service agreement, $300 firm. 461-2013 FREEZER: Upright, great for mat geer meat, asking $250. Call 247-6608 KITCHEN APPLIANCE: 2 electric stoves, $50ea. 2 re frigerators $75., Must sell by 1UfO.

JJ8-MP0 REFRIGERATOR: Fridaire, 12 cuft, 2 dr. like new, $275offer 272-7602 REFRIGERATOR: White WEstinhouse, almond, exc cond. $225. 383-0351 REFRIGERATORS: (1) White- wnmpooi. (i) wnne Kenmore.

(1) brown Westinghouse. (1) green refrigerator (1) gold Frigidaire stove. Will deliver. 288-4941 STOVE: 30' GE Elec. serf cleaning.

Exc Cond. $100. zn-uuj4 aner 5pm STOVE: 30 Hotooint elec tric, serf-cleaning, good condition. $75. 586-0604.

STOVE: Tappan, self clean, aimono, new $650 sell $350offer 429-61 33 Arts And Crafts QUILTING FRAME: Colonial Heirtoom A1, like new. $40. 671-2727 Building Materials GARAGE DOOR: 9 FT, like new. complete, $100. 924-7854 individuals.

Please apply in person to the Personnel Office at Lechmere, Cohoes Commons, 1 225 Jefferson Road, Rochester, NY 14623-3136. An equal opportunity employer. 1A ft LECHA4EIE To The Highest Bidder Regardless of Price 2 OUTSTANDING COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES 11:00 AM Sq. Ft. Manufacturing Facility On 4.2t Acre Tempest Perry, NY 1:00 PM Sq.

Ft ManufacturingOffice Facility On 1.31 Acres 76 Commercial Livonia, NY Sales on the respective premises THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2 Only $10,000 deposit for each property. Call Auctioneer for complete Terms of Sale and Due Diligence Package. Property Inspections by appointment only. EASTVIEW MALL William Z. Fox Auction Lie.

0001 722-3334 410 Business Opportunities Business Partner $100,000 Income Potential Unique opportunity for aggressive individuals with a comprehensive business background to work with an affiliated corporation of an innovative 28-year old CPA firm providing two unique "niche" consulting services. Nine out of 10 businesses will need what we offer at some point in time. Not a Franchise. Candidates should have outstanding references, good communication skills, and $13,000 (fully recoverable) startup capital. Ideal business for downsized corporate executives, bankers, accountants, business consultants, commercial insurance real estate agents, etc.

For local interview, call Dan Gerard: 800-660-0330 Mon-WeJ fST OPENING OCT. 28 We are now taking applications for full and part time positions in both non-commission and commission sales. A sales position at JCPenney may just be the beginning of an exciting retail career! We're committed to promoting from within, so you could move into a variety of advanced career opportunities. All with these great benefits: Competitive Salary Valuable Merchandise Discounts Medical and Dental Insurance Savings and Profit Sharing Plans Paid Vacations and Holidays BTerm Life Insurance Applications are now being accepted at our Eastview Mall store from 9am-6pm, (Use receiving door) An Equal Opportunity Employer MF A KNOCKOUT OPPORTUNITY Looking for success in the franchise arena? Meineke wants to be In your corner. We've targeted Rochester as prime location for a new Meineke Discount Mufflers shop.

At Meineke, you can gel going with dramatically lower start-up costs than any ol our nationwide competitors. toiD have topnotch training, complete computerization, and the heavyweight advertising clout ol George Foreman behind youl $93,000 minimum cash requirement with third party financing available to qualified applicants Don't let anybody beat you to the punch. For complete details call or write: Meineke Discount Muffler Shops, Inc. 128 South Tryon Street, Suite 900 Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 800 nieinektf (634-63S3) LIZARD: Bearded Dragon, baby, wsetup, $100 or will separate. 234-1442, messaae PARROTS: Hand fed sweet babies: Goffin, Moluccan, Cockatoos, Blue Front Amazon, Blue Headed Pionus and Bronze Winged Pionus; vet checked, some talking, super tamed.

Call 315-597-4836 i.

Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York (2024)


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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.