1. 【朔栎澄歆】What comes after 全流程实况—一封写给所有自轻自贱 ...
上瘾,是真的会上瘾的哦!,【绘与谷美|朔栎澄歆】用什么表达我的爱意?,美少女护士沦为怪物的生育机器! 愧疚扭曲成欲望 ... 【朔栎澄歆】What comes after 全流程实况—一封 ...
ì½kwW¶.üýqþãw¼túm0U¥JrÚ}'M:v ¤étRUÉV%#É=ÌÅ`cÀvÀÜlî÷»¹ÃýS:®ô©ÏO8Ï\«.K²DdKï·éíM¤RÕª¹æk®¹æóY¿ÿèÓ¯ÖmÙ¶©³¥»ÐþÃïéß´éêhý¡{ÕõL¾-ÝlI¬Þ\¶·£µ?eZÙVv!od{-ö©°»×êhí.zÛW¯ÎÝVÞÍuÞJ7øÞ2 h©Ç*è-½·&³¹½°Ê´ ø)Í´¶ÙLÁÊ:ZVÚêíÎf¬LveZJ¥ñÉ{Þ±ÊÚÑêïh]ÇYµo¯h`Wa5u׺õ\ÞB£} 䪨×'!ßÛïÍYÉÔ.áÙP(Ô¦E«îÄMV.gåû2ÙUÞÕU;»Ì*3»3ÓÓM«ò%zoo:eè´ ¾ö§Î^û·¢S:Ø·ºËR<¶à $B[âsyHà©t*³½%g¥;ZóÝÙ\Áè+´¤ðÖnô0 ¦¤¶n3N´ÙÕd~u¾ RÆêïñ¸ÖW§³®Õ©½ËʯNêèV6Ó*_PضòÝUðZfÈ ´DW笮¾´k3òùÖËLéz:ýß@öõ¼î¿v¤³ºùÎßÔ§¿7ï¶r«¡ªÕF6gµ #FDȶïó¿iÑó¿É¹Toá7«ÿÐò?Zð?Q ñɲLûLt«©tjU#ÍÂ{{Y?Vÿá-4Nuuâ}_2;ZãqhÞ·ºzµüî°7ïû=ç]·1û{½_çW[ÿ°3ÁØkÛi%Ö$¶XùBÇøÌ%ÒÚÞj]IÆ&®§âÝÙ+ÞoåòdoÚ[·Æ¿ÚòÇίñ{Îè1ã=!üøéúÍkÖ~ÙÞ¸nÆBB7¶ãÙÎî¯ =°ZÞñn=ßßn%¦¥ ÑB*ÏX;ãz¢µ½ë³V¶oú£ö'F]F«Ïôõ´¶ÿX{aµÛbÚü¢»ks~Ä%ýôÓï1ÐXùCËï©BÚj1õ¾ª¿ÏZEÓ¦°°õ¿9SÇGû»~ÿ¶[/ÀZöXù=Y°r-öà çÉâûÞ9ûÀ_°§÷ØNçN;ÃÎÔpéàÒüýûøÁÂó ÙÙâýξÁ ç×â4ÀèÿãÎÌ34Ê[ùýjFcY-ÚÜ.geL«rÒ@G·§ü°æ³âLðçU߬ÁDÐÓÛæõÙåO55[ fìíÖîÙ CÊ'¾à»?¹¼Cv®,Ü)ÞáL])òv¥=|¼_¹yKç +ÓÇJgø}ä¢sxÜ:åÞ½Ò>2áLͺ-ØÇÛÇnòWz2[¹¶xûôJûÅsûù7Yþ LësF8£*.ù¼*ÞXùç3ÎÔ@éÕ¸=:^<: µv9w^Ú/3'ìWûHâüÏÿQ<~Þy<_ʯþùâ°=ðÂ~yÒ¼DûÏÛ£'ñhqïsj`îñ?_LÚÏB7U{ìHñèMûÞS{lÜÙ{Ã9z£tZ§tý@ùÒ8Â3öÁ9{øýr@dÇ4Xzò¬t}oq ôN:í+g ÇÅã7ãsÅ«ÎÄiûî5jiè@ñθóðtyr¢y÷¥ýjO:':÷çîâãJ{zÞºQÄþóó]çøËòÁÑ%úËÀ.8ú*áºYzrÎnQñÍ94Q¼xÇÙã;C׺vüiéä(ÔÅ»P¿¹¸¤î[æ§J-¢áXÙÂ/r¡¶XgjÈ:¢Î©ó¥C?/çaôÞd*gUÙ ¾Zxq¦8wÝgÍ?_ûoÀý3'Áìâüâ¡ûå}ó¥gãÎ٫ΡKÎÐ8´¡üóÜYzuÎ9;à¨nÁïöd¶§ôà}o°|ê¡ýò¢}åúÂì v/,ÞYûþsçÔ}{ôáÂÌ!¨nqê<©´tÏXùåéò¥SÎÙ1|vNp¢5ÜP¾uؾw ßã<Ú_...
2. 【言谈录】欲望从何而来? - 搜狐
14 jun 2017 · 我们也必须一起来探讨为什么人永无休止地寻求快感——占有之中的快感,成就之中的快感,权力之中的快感,拥有地位的快感。还有性快感,它由对性不停地思考、想象 ...
We must also talk over together why man perpetually seeks pleasure—pleasure in possession, pleasure in achievement, pleasure in power, pleasure in having a status. There is sexual pleasure, which is maintained by constant thinking about sex, imagining, picturing, and making images. That is, thought gives pleasure; sensation is turned into pleasure.
3. 欲望都市经典台词- 日记- 豆瓣
24 jun 2013 · 欲望都市经典台词Sometimes a rose is just a rose. Jewelry, that's another story. 有时候玫瑰就只是玫瑰如果是珠宝…那就另当别论If a man is over ...
Sometimes a rose is just a rose. Jewelry, that's another story. 有时候玫瑰就只是玫瑰 如果是珠宝…那就另当别论 If a man is over 30 and single, there's something wrong with him. It's Darwinian. They'...
4. 克里希那穆提- 了解,而不是控制欲望
这是克里希那穆提与艾伦·W·安德森博士的 系列对话之一。 安德森博士是研究宗教学的教授, 目前任教于美国圣地亚哥州立大学, 他教授印度和中国的古代经典 以及传统的神谕文化 ...
克里希那穆提 - 了解,而不是控制欲望
5. 捉住欲望的尾巴6 | Springhero's Weblog
18 jul 2014 · 为了让欲望的这个客体重新-出现「超越这个要求」的这个神秘的「必要」,仅是诠释了我们用来开始的这个假设:人的欲望的这个「客体」就是他者的欲望—换句话说 ...
捉住欲望的尾巴 6 雅克慎论拉康 However obscure this passage may be, at least one thing seems clear: the object of desire is neither the object of need nor the object of the demand. And since these are the only t…
6. 後人類慾望 - 台北當代藝術館
「後人類」(Post-human)作為一個學術名詞,源自1988年史蒂夫.尼可思(Steve Nichols)所發表的《後人類宣言》(Post-human Manifesto)一書,儘管學術界和藝術界對於「後 ...
派翠西亞‧佩斯尼尼1965年生於西非,畢業於澳洲國立大學經濟史學系及墨爾本大學維多利亞藝術學院美術學系,曾代表澳洲參加第50屆威尼斯雙年展。派翠西亞特別關注當代科技基因工程的發展,及其對自然生態和社會文化的影響,她的創作仿用科學研究手法來設計/製作有別人類和已知動物的生命類種,作品模糊化了人工/自然、好/壞的區分,在神話思維與演化概念之外另闢了一條新徑。 Patricia Piccinini was born in West Africa in 1965. She holds a BA in Economic History from the Australian National University, and a BA in Painting from the Victorian College of the Arts, University of Melbourne. She represented Australia in the 50th Venice Biennale in 2003. Piccinini is particularly interested in the development of contemporary genetic engineering and its effects on the eco-environment and on society. She employs artistic methods that are seemingly scientific to design and produce artworks representing species unknown to the world, while she blurs the distinction between the natural and the artificial as well as the dichotomy between good and evil, creating a new way of thinking which is free from the stories of mythology and the concept of evolution.
7. City of Two, China by Wutopia Lab - 谷德设计网
28 jul 2019 · Infinity comes after. 你会看到是诱惑,有的欲望是那么美好比如爱情,但你也会在折射的镜面里看到自己扭曲的脸庞,因为有些欲望是你内心中不敢为人言 ...
Memory and symbol are the evidence of her existence
8. Wutopia Lab俞挺工作室丨符号:两个人的欲望都市-序赞网
A world is coming after the light. 然后是无限的∞丨Infinity comes after. 你会看到是诱惑,有的欲望是那么美好比如爱情,但你也会在折射的镜面里看到自己扭曲的脸庞 ...
See AlsoListe der Cluedo-CharaktereWutopiaLab应策展人张宇星先生邀请为2019年3月“未知城市:中国当代建築装置影像展(坪山)”完成了一个名为符号:两个人的欲望都市的装置。坪山展是一次大型专业主题展。
9. 美剧《欲望都市》精彩对白中英文对照- 经典台词 - 影视英语论坛
8 sep 2019 · I'll know more details after this trip. 这次出差后,我会知道更多 ... When it comes to relationships how do you know when enough is enough?
美剧Sex and the city《欲望都市》是美国HBO有线电视网播放的喜剧类剧集,于1998年6月6日首播,2004年2月22日结束,共六季94集。此影集获得许多艾美奖和金球奖的奖项。该剧 ... 美剧《欲望都市》精彩对白中英文对照 ,影视英语角
10. 边界融化欲望点燃:为何文学作品钟爱又长又热的夏天? - 界面新闻
14 aug 2018 · 莎拉·佩里的《我死之后洪水滔天》(After Me Comes the Flood)始于伦敦的一个夏天。30天没有下雨了,天野空旷,太阳炙烤着大地,热气“就像锤子一样砸 ...
《幽情密使》《赎罪》《了不起的盖茨比》《请以你的名字呼唤我 》……这些故事都发生在夏天,小说家利用热浪来制造戏剧张力、情欲和可能性——毕竟在这个季节,一切规则都可能被改变。
11. 欲望精华—NPC—魔兽世界 - Wowhead
The Essence of Desire will come out after you have defeated Essence of Suffering and the adds after him. ... comes through. 评论来自Ikkura. As of patch 5.0 ...
12. 欲望线- 电影- 豆瓣
... whispered among transgender men: after coming out as trans, many of us develop an attraction for other men. In this hybrid documentary, history comes alive
An underground narrative has long been whispered among transgender men: after coming out as trans, m...
13. [PDF] 看、他者、凝視:拉岡與欲望結構的問題
29 mrt 2007 · after. 1675, København). 拉岡指出,繪畫有時候可以平撫人們、安慰人們,提供他們所要看的圖像,滿足. 他們的欲望。「馴化的觀看」或是「欺眼法」dompte ...
14. 【言谈录】欲望的起源是什么? - 搜狐
12 aug 2017 · ' Then what takes place after that? Are you waiting for me to tell ... 但是,你已经学会了压抑欲望、征服欲望,或者与它所有的问题生活在一起。
2017-08-12 07:00 来源: 克里希那穆提冥思坊
15. [PDF] 創傷與欲望的救贖: - 台灣文學館
He comes to realize that his students “do not need Lu Xun after all. They in fact cannot even speak a simple sentence in Chinese well” (182). As for his ...
16. Live Report: Women Only Show, Zepp Tokyo, 6/29/14 – 欲望∞
The one show I had fervently hoped we'd get into on this tour was the Joshi (women) only show, just because there was no telling what Kiiyan and e-zuka ...
The one show I had fervently hoped we’d get into on this tour was the Joshi (women) only show, just because there was no telling what Kiiyan and e-zuka might have planned. They could be as vulgar a…